Travel information

The public indoor swimming pool Aua Grava is situated in a sunny location directly on the shores of Lake Laax in Laax Dorf and is easily accessible by car or public transport.

By car

Take the exit Laax Dorf and drive in the direction of Falera until you reach the turn-off on the right-hand side into Via Grava. At the end of the road, parking spaces are available for a fee in the Grava underground car park.

By public transportation

Laax Dorf is easily accessible by post bus from Chur or Ilanz. A free shuttle bus runs throughout the destination of Flims Laax Falera (with a valid Flims Laax Falera guest card, ski ticket or local pass). From the Laax See/Lag bus stop, a footpath along Lake Laax leads directly to Aua Grava in around 5 minutes by foot.